Fresh links for June 20th through July 11th | Infotropism

  • Cities and Citizenship: Anti-Graffiti, Part 1: Aesthetics – An interesting take on the aesthetics of the anti-graffiti movement, and how it often co-opts graffiti to its own ends. Lots of interesting example pics from Sydney.
  • Revising The Revisionists – Excellent article about the 1898 armed coup and massacre of black residents of Wilmington, North Carolina. Reminds me of the book “Lies My Teacher Told Me”, and of course Australia’s own “history wars”.
  • The Strongest Woman In America Lives In Poverty – This top weightlifter, on her way to the Olympics, can’t afford to eat. She needs 3000-4000 calories a day while she’s training, and relies on food banks. No sponsorships because of sizeism — they don’t think she’s hot enough, or something. She has an indiegogo fundraiser here if you want to help her out:
  • Adaptation by Remix: Vidding Feminist Science Fiction – My friend Alexis writes about Chaila’s Wiscon premiere vid, taking visual sources and creating a video for Octavia Butler’s “Parable of the Sower” and “Parable of the Talents” that draws from the genres of book trailer, fanvid, and political remix.
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