Fresh links for May 14th through May 15th | Infotropism

  • Mitt Romney, Bully In Chief? – s.e. smith brings a solid analysis of Mitt Romney’s school “pranks” (read: homophobic bullying) and what it could mean for his possible presidency.
  • Chumbawamba – The Diggers’ Song – YouTube – Who knew that Chumbawumba had recorded an album of songs of political rebellion from 1381-1914? Not me for sure. This is their rendition of “The Digger’s Song”, a 17th century song by the same group that Billy Bragg sings about in “The World Turned Upside Down”.
  • MOTU 4pre – Really nice looking 4-channel mixer/analog-digital converter from MOTU. I’ve got the Ultralite Mk2, but if this had been around when I was shopping, I would have bought it for sure. The two “Hi-Z” inputs so you can plug in an instrument without a DI look particularly handy.
  • What’s behind the rise of Golden Dawn in Greece? – A good overview of what’s going on with Greece and the neo-Nazi party “Golden Dawn”, who won a surprising number of seats in the country’s recent election.
  • Mapping hacks for the 17th-18th centuries – Say you’re an early modern historian with a bunch of data about 18th century Paris. How do you display it using modern mapping tools, given that old streets may have changed or disappeared?
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