Fresh links for May 24th through May 31st | Infotropism

  • How Headphones Changed the World – “A short philosophical history of personal music”, at The Atlantic
  • Amanda Palmer And Steve Albini On ‘Piracy’: It Only Helps Musicians – Surprise! (NB: not actually surprising) Steve Albini “rejects the term piracy” and thinks sharing music for free helps musicians, especially those who tour and play lots of live gigs. BTW, if you’ve never read Steve’s rant about where money goes when you sign with a major label (linked from this article) then you definitely should.
  • A respose to Tom Tom’s OSM FUD – Tom Tom (the satnav provider) tries to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt about OpenStreetMap; here’s a great takedown of their claims. Via David Gerard.
  • Commodore 64 Bass Guitar by Jeri Ellsworth – A bass guitar made out of an old C64. Nuff said.
  • Internet Arbitration | – I honestly don’t know whether this is an excellent disruption of a broken system, or a sign that we’re heading even faster into an SFnal dystopian future. The fact you can pay by bitcoin makes me think the latter’s more likely.
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