Infotropism | Alex Skud Bayley: writing, projects, public speaking, etc. | Page 26

In the previous article I showed you how to set up WordPress to create an archive for your fanfic/art/vids. In this article I’ll be talking about some of the next steps you can take in customising your setup. Make it look better The default theme that comes with WordPress is — well, it’s not too awful, but it’s probably not what you want. Luckily WordPress comes installed with a bunch of themes. Later, we’ll be talking about installing third-party themes or customising your own themes, Continue reading → This is part of a series on how you can easily create a fannish archive website using WordPress. The introductory article talks about why you might want to do that, so now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. Get yourself some hosting 1. Sign up for Dreamhost or some similar hosting provider. Dreamhost will cost you less than $10/month ($7.95 if you pay in advance) and you can share that between as many people as you want. (Disclaimer) 2. Register a domain name. Continue reading → This is an introduction to a series of forthcoming articles. I figured that some people are going to want to know the background, and it might just help to have a quick roundup of reasons why you might want to do this. First of all, let me just say that I’m addressing these articles to the section of LiveJournal users who refer to themselves (ourselves!) as “fandom”, and most specifically to fanfic authors and other producers of fanworks including art and videos. If you’re a Continue reading → Via Cesperanza, who writes: >I feel like we’re the bookend generation, where things that got made there (mass media, intellectual property, industrialization, “the invention of tradition”) get unmade or remade here; and here we go, this is the 19th century enclosure acts all over again, except this time, the fields are virtual. The article she’s pointing to is Element’s post on User Generated Content and Ownership: the User as Citizen, and wow, I want this to be picked up outside LiveJournal. She proposes: >Any business Continue reading → During WW2, my grandpa worked with a mob called FELO (Far East Liaison Office) who were responsible for airdropping hundreds of thousands of propaganda pamphlets over New Guinea. I’ve just scanned and uploaded a set of them, including a bunch of pamphlets in Japanese and a recruiting poster for FELO. Don’t miss the Japanese dollar note. (Read Cryptonomicon? Just like that.)

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