My talks from Open Source Bridge | Infotropism

I finally got around to uploading the second set of slides from my talks at Open Source Bridge, so here they are.

First up, Knitting for Programmers teaches you how to knit something more interesting than a rectangle, using geometry and common design patterns.

You can also view on Speakerdeck or download the PDF.

Secondly, Feminist Point of View: A Geek Feminist Retrospective was a review of the 6 years of the Geek Feminism wiki and blog, and the lessons we’ve learned from doing this.

View on Speakerdeck, download the PDF, or view the interactive HTML slides (which contain all the links to related content, so I recommend you do that if you want to read more.)

Finally, I also ran an unconference session on “Advanced” community management (link leads to wiki notes from the session), where we discussed how to level-up our skills in community management and related fields, beyond the 101 level that’s often discussed at tech events like OSB.

Open Source Bridge is a great event, focusing on “open source citizenship”, and has a fantastic mix of talks and activities beyond what you normally find at a tech conference. Both the organising team and speaker roster are pretty diverse, and they go out of their way to make the event accessible and inclusive.

Coral Sheldon-Hess wrote a great post on conference inclusiveness which really shows how effective events like this can be. Julie Pagano’s conference recap also gives a good sense of the event, and reviews some of the other talks given there.

If you’re able to get to Portland next year, I highly recommend attending.

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